Hallo, möchte kurz aufmerksam machen auf die neue Erweiterung EagleEye.
EagleEye Thunderbird Extension- Reclaim your address book
QuoteThis new Thunderbird addon does (among many other things) the following:
1. It tells you, who you still need to reply to. Very useful if you receive a dozen of messages every day!! Just click the TODO button.
2. It tells you, which friends you've lost contact with. Very interesting and useful to be reminded to send seasons greetings. Just click the "Lost Friends" button.
3. It lets you sort all your contacts (= all people you ever contacted) according to the number of messages sent or received, according to the date of the last message exchange or even according to gender.
4. It allows you to search for/filter people using advanced options such as: How many messages were sent/received? When was the first message send/received? What is the gender of the person? What is the ratio of sent/received messages? ...
Im Forum wurde ja auch schon ab und an nach einem System zur Wiedervorlage gefragt - vielleicht hilft das einigen.