Um Rückfragen vorzubeugen, bitten wir um folgende Angaben:
- Thunderbird-Version:60.9.0 32bit Portable
- Betriebssystem + Version:Win 10 64bit
Ich habe mit diesem Code eine Uhr Anzeige in Firefox oben in der Statusleiste.
(function() {
function doDatClock() {
var timestr = new Date().toLocaleDateString( locale , options );
const blanks = ' ';
let i = timestr.lastIndexOf(',');
timestr = timestr.substring(0,i) + blanks + timestr.substring(i+1);
if( count == 1 ) {
var counter = new Date( 1000 * sec ).toISOString().substr( 11 , 8 ); // .replace(/^[0:]+/, '') // if you want to replace zeroes and colons
timestr = timestr + ' (' + counter + ')';
ClockLabel.setAttribute( 'value', timestr );
var count = 1; // if you don't want a counter set this to zero
var agent = 1; // if you just want the clock set this to zero
var language = 'de-DE'; // locale, e.g. 'de-DE' , 'en-US' , 'fr-FR'
var personalText = ''; // your personal text here
var cssColor = 'black'; // Font Color
var css = 'margin-left: 30px; padding-top: 4px !important; padding-left: 0px; color: ' + cssColor + '; font-weight: 600; text-shadow: none; width: 275px;';
var cssA = 'margin-left: 70px; width: auto;';
var options = {
weekday: 'long',
year: 'numeric',
month: 'long',
day: 'numeric',
hour: '2-digit',
minute: '2-digit',
second: '2-digit'
var sec = 0;
var locale = language || window.navigator.languages[0];
var position = document.getElementById('helpMenu');
var ClockLabel = document.createXULElement('label');
ClockLabel.setAttribute('id', 'statusbar-clock-display');
ClockLabel.setAttribute('class', 'statusbarpanel-text');
ClockLabel.setAttribute('style', css);
position.parentNode.insertBefore(ClockLabel, position.nextSibling);
if( agent == 1 ) {
var AgentLabel = document.createXULElement('label');
AgentLabel.setAttribute('id', 'statusbar-agent-display');
AgentLabel.setAttribute('class', 'statusbarpanel-text');
AgentLabel.setAttribute('style', css + cssA);
var FFstr = window.navigator.userAgent.split(' ');
var FF = FFstr[FFstr.length-1].replace( '/' , ' ' );
var text = " Firefox - G Profile " + AppConstants.MOZ_APP_VERSION_DISPLAY;
AgentLabel.setAttribute( 'value', text );
position.parentNode.insertBefore(AgentLabel, position.nextSibling);
if( count == 1 ) {
ClockLabel.addEventListener('dblclick', function() { sec = 0; });
window.setInterval( doDatClock , 1000 );
Display More
Das sieht dann so aus.
Frage wäre. Gibt es sowas auch für Thunderbird?
Danke schon mal im voraus hwww