Thunderbird 102.13.0 (32Bit)
Windows 7 (Umzug auf Linux in kürze...)
Avast Antivirus & Agnitum Outpost Pro Firewall
Seit einem Update von Thunderbird kann ich keine eMails mehr senden und empfangen (habe NUR EINEN GMX Account). Per STRG + UMSCHALT + J habe ich das Fehlerprotokoll aufgerufen und gespeichert:
15:45:25.310 Error: Can't find profile directory. XULStore.jsm:66:15
load resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:66
XULStore resource://gre/modules/XULStore.jsm:24
15:45:27.933 Found 0 public keys and 0 secret keys (0 protected, 0 unprotected) RNPLib.jsm:543:15
15:45:29.467 mailnews.pop3.0: SecurityError: a SecurityProtocol error occurred 2 Pop3Client.jsm:356:18
_onError resource:///modules/Pop3Client.jsm:356
15:45:29.473 Trying to load U:\Programme\ThunderbirdPortable\App\thunderbird\libotr.dll OTRLib.jsm:64:11
15:45:29.485 Successfully loaded OTR library U:\Programme\ThunderbirdPortable\App\thunderbird\libotr.dll OTRLib.jsm:72:13
15:45:33.026 mailnews.pop3.2: SecurityError: a SecurityProtocol error occurred 2 Pop3Client.jsm:356:18
15:46:22.461 mailnews.pop3.4: SecurityError: a SecurityProtocol error occurred 5 Pop3Client.jsm:356:18
15:46:24.318 NS_ERROR_FAILURE
15:46:24.474 mailnews.pop3.9: SecurityError: a SecurityProtocol error occurred 2 Pop3Client.jsm:356:18
15:48:24.416 mailnews.pop3.11: SecurityError: a SecurityProtocol error occurred 5 Pop3Client.jsm:356:18
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